Today evening, 3 of us gathered at our frens place and prepared Christmas cookies. It was whole lot of fun. There is a lot of fun, joy and happiness making something on our own and with frens. We also made designs on the cookies. I will take them to work place and share with everyone.
I had been waiting to hear from doc n there wasn't a call since morning. Hope he calls sometime during this week. :)
I had good evening today. Had invited my ex-roomie and my colleague's family for tea. I had prepared gulabjammon, Upma and Coffee. We had lovely time with their lil one. She was so adorable and cute. She kept everyone busy with her cute mischievous acts. It feels so good to have lil ones around - their innocence, playfulness, talk, its all so amazing.
I had called the doc today, he sounded cheerful and good. He was at his frens place n mentioned to call back tomorrow. Am keeping my fingers crossed :D.